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A new way
of being sportsmen.

Being sportsmen is a way of living and respecting our body, before being just a physical training.
This is why Tornado SN offers an innovative line of food supplements developed in our Swiss laboratories, with certified raw materials, protected with unique technologies and strategically combined to achieve the best results with minimum product intake.

We believe in EverydaySporters and our commitment is helping them to unleash their inner Tornado in everyday life, because fatigue is never wasted ... muscles pull to release will, freedom and self-determination.

Sky, trail or road running, a winning team on every ground: Tornado Sport Nutrition is the title sponsor of Tornado Sport Team, internationally renowned with the best specialists in outdoor running.
This is what we do.
And we do what we are.


Tornado Sport Nutrition offers a complete range of food supplements, even gluten and lactose free, to maximize energy availability, increase endurance, fight fatigue and promote muscle repair and recovery.